Những thay đổi
PlayStation 5 Import Update
Thanks to My1, PlayStation 5 Rovers can now seamlessly import and track their pull data using our newly introduced PS5 import method!
Additionally, if you’ve noticed, the import link automatically redirected you to the import page with the platform already selected. This is made possible by our new dynamic routing functionality for the import methods. Gone are the days of teaching others which platform or method to use to import. Simply visit the appropriate import page, then copy the URL. Let the website do the talking for you!
Furthermore, on the backend, we've implemented several website infrastructure and UI optimizations. While you might not notice them right away, they’ll help enhance your overall browsing experience.
As we move towards version 2.1, we’ll gradually update older features to align with the game's latest content. The update will bring substantial changes, so don't expect it too soon! Until then, may your Convenes be ever golden, Rover. ✨