Opening the i18n Floodgates
Heya everyone!
First off, a huge thank you for sticking with us as we transitioned our new website. Your patience and support while using our legacy import tutorial and checking out the FAQ and import troubleshooting guides haven’t gone unnoticed. These resources are built around the most common issues you’ve shared with us on Discord, so we appreciate you taking the time to go through them.
We’re excited to share that the website is now running on a new format with a revamped i18n repository for translations! We’ve simplified things by deduplicating a lot of keys in favor of a more reusable message structure. Even better, the wuwatracker/i18n repository is now open for public contributions via our Crowdin page.
The best part? The project includes the previous translation memory database, so any new suggestions you make can build off what’s already there.
Before translations get merged into the upstream codebase, others can view and vote on your suggestions. Once they’re reviewed, a proofreader of the language will give the final approval.
If you're interested in becoming a proofreader, you can apply on our Discord Server. Just fill out the application form and we’ll take it from there!
Lastly, I'd like to give a special shoutout to everyone on Discord who’s helped us debug and smoothen the edges of the new site. Your feedback has been invaluable in getting us closer to a stable version. We'll continue to respond to your support tickets as we continue to work towards bringing the older site features up-to-date.
Thanks again for all your support — and may your Convenes be golden evermore!